Pentagon Actively Planning On Living With The Coronavirus Well Into 2021

The Hill: Pentagon charts its own course on COVID-19, risking Trump's ire

The Pentagon is actively planning on living with the coronavirus well into 2021, putting it at risk of angering President Trump as he expresses confidence that the disease is on the wane.

Defense officials have extended a freeze on troop movement, held ships in port and laid the framework for what the military will look like in an extended pause because of the COVID-19 pandemic. On Tuesday, a leaked Pentagon memo revealed that top Defense Department (DOD) officials are planning for the possibility that the military could be dealing with the virus beyond this year.

The extended preparation cuts against White House messaging that the virus will recede in the coming months and that a vaccine could be available by the end of the year.

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WNU Editor: President Trump has always been consistent that he hopes the virus will burn itself out over the summer, and that a vaccine will be available by the end of the year. contrary to the above Hill post, I have seen no evidence that he or his administration has stopped anyone in the Pentagon (or elsewhere) from planning on what happens if the virus is still prevalent in 2021.

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