Terror Attack In The U.K.?

Daily Mail: Counter-terrorism police storm a flat after a frenzied stabbing spree by a 'Libyan' man, 25, on middle-aged men drinking in a Reading park left three dead and another three seriously injured before attacker was rugby-tackled by hero lone policeman

* Incident took place in Forbury Gardens in Reading's town centre on Saturday
* Video posted on social media showed four wounded people lying on grass
* They were being treated and one seen being given CPR by police officers
* Home Secretary Priti Patel said she was 'deeply concerned' by the incident
* PM Boris Johnson branded attack 'appalling' and thanked emergency services

Counter-terrorism police last night raided a block of flats in Reading after a frenzied stabbing attack 'by a Libyan man' left three people dead and another three seriously injured.

Witnesses said the attacker targeted a group of middle-aged men 'sitting drinking beer' in Forbury Gardens in Reading town centre at around 7pm on Saturday and systematically stabbed them 'in the neck and under the arms'.

The injured victims were last night understood to be in a critical condition at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.

The knife-wielding suspect, 25, was arrested at the scene by a hero lone police sergeant who rugby-tackled him to the floor.

Despite the presence of counter-terrorism officers and early reports it was being treated as a terror-related police said last night they did not believe it was terror-related.

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WNU Editor: The authorities are saying that it is not terrorism related. OK. So what drove this man to wage these attacks? I guess we will know the reasons why in the coming days.

More News On Today's Stabbing Attack In The U.K.

Reading stabbings: Three people dead after Forbury Gardens attack -- BBC
Three dead in stabbing incident in Reading, England -- CNN
UK suspect arrested after stabbing attack, police say -- FOX News
Three people feared dead as police respond to mass stabbing in Britain -- The Age

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