Update: The former Vice-President's eyes look glassy. Questions from George Stephanopoulos are softball, but the former Vice-President is just rambling. Quite a contrast on NBC. Interruptions from the NBC host .... lots of give and take.
Update #2: On YouTube at 20:13 EST. Over 95,000 watching President Trump on NBC. 13,000 watching Democrat candidate Joe Biden on ABC. No surprise. The Joe Biden townhall is a snoozefest.
Update #3: President Trump is at his best right now.
Update #4: On YouTube at 20:27 EST. Over 132,000 watching President Trump on NBC. Only 15,000 watching Democrat candidate Joe Biden on ABC. No surprise. They are giving Joe Biden questions where he can talk and talk and talk. On NBC. The energy on the stage with the President, moderator, and audience is off the scale.
Update #5: What a contrast between the two town halls. Trump is Trump at his best. Biden is like the uncle you do not want to hear. The difference in viewership between the two on YouTube is massive. A seven to one advantage for Trump. I am willing to bet that the TV ratings will also be one-sided.
Update #6: I just gave up on watching Biden. Not interesting at all. Will watch it later tonight. Shifting to watch the NBC townhall where all the action is.