NEW: White House physician says President Trump "is not requiring any supplemental oxygen" but has started Remdesivir therapy.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 3, 2020
Navy Commander Dr. Sean Conley issues update saying Trump is “doing very well” and is “not requiring any supplemental oxygen," But says that, “in consultation with specialists we have elected to initiate Remdesivir therapy," an antiviral medication.
— The Associated Press (@AP) October 3, 2020
President Trump is not the first president to be infected in a pandemic. Woodrow Wilson was in the same spot a century ago.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 3, 2020
These are the responses of Beijing citizens when asked about the President of the United States catching the coronavirus.
— Things China Doesn't Want You To Know (@TruthAbtChina)
"He deserves it"
"I hope he cannot be cured"
"The entire country celebrates"
Retweet this thread until @realDonaldTrump sees what China is saying about him.
India's coronavirus death toll passes 100,000 with no sign of an end
— Reuters (@Reuters) October 3, 2020
#UPDATE International calls for #Armenia and #Azerbaijan to halt clashes and begin talks have intensified as fears grow that the fighting could expand into a multi-front war sucking in regional powers Turkey and Russia
— AFP news agency (@AFP) October 2, 2020
Friday afternoon? Time to split.
— U.S. Air Force (@usairforce) October 2, 2020