Matt Towery, Real Clear Politics: A Realistic Primer on Georgia’s Senate Runoffs
In the classic movie “The Godfather,” Michael Corleone travels to a small restaurant in the Bronx to meet with a rival Mafia boss. At the table the boss tells a corrupt policeman who is there to serve as a third-party witness that he is going to “speak to Michael in Italian.” In the movie they switch languages to keep the policeman in the dark.
So I’m going to speak “Georgian,” not to keep anyone out, but to hopefully add context to two situations that the media has been conflating.
First the recount. Despite assertions by Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and in the local media, the effort has been disingenuous. There was a failure to properly authenticate ballots. Finding thousands of uncounted ballots in the process doesn’t help create confidence in what Georgia officials claim to be a smooth process.
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WNU Editor: US stock markets, investors and bankers, corporations large and small, pundits and the media .... everyone is expecting a Republican senate sweep in Georgia's run-off election in January thereby guaranteeing Republican control of the US senate, divided government, and a stop to Democrat progressives and their agenda.
But what happens if everyone is wrong?
What happens if the Democrats do win these two Senate seats and thereby control of the Senate?
Matt Towery just made the case in the above post on why this may happen. And yes .... it will be due to mail-in ballots.