Ireland and the Netherlands become the latest countries to suspend their rollouts of AstraZeneca jabs over concerns about post-jab blood clots despite the firm insisting there is no risk, as Italians brace for new restrictions
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) March 15, 2021
AstraZeneca says there is "clear scientific evidence" that its COVID-19 vaccine is safe after Ireland temporarily suspended its use amid concerns over blood clotting. Other countries, including Norway, Denmark and Iceland, have taken similar precautions.
— AP Europe (@AP_Europe) March 14, 2021
#UPDATE German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative party suffered heavy losses in two key regional elections, after being roiled in recent days by damaging claims about MPs apparently profiting from face mask deals early on in the pandemic
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) March 14, 2021
Brent crude floats near $70 on demand recovery anticipation
#BREAKING: Uproar in Pakistan after Hidden Chinese Spy Cameras were found inside Pakistan’s Senate hall where Voting was under process
— Megh Updates 🚨 (@MeghUpdates) March 12, 2021
Chinese capital Beijing reels under heavy sandstorms
— Reuters (@Reuters) March 15, 2021
Coming back to the chow hall after a month in the field
— Observation Post (@MilitaryTimesOP) March 14, 2021