Dr. Fauci Emails On The Covid-19 Pandemic Are Made Public (With Many Redactions)


Daily Mail: Emails reveal Fauci was WARNED at the start of pandemic by lab expert that COVID may have been 'engineered' - as calls grow for him to be fired 

 * Dr. Anthony Fauci was warned that the coronavirus was possibly 'engineered' in a lab before the pandemic started, emails show 

 * He seemed to be taking it seriously behind closed doors while downplaying the idea in public 

 * NIH Director Dr Francis Collins appeared to dismiss the theory that COVID-19 leaked from a Wuhan lab as a 'conspiracy' in an email to Dr Anthony Fauci

 * The subject line of Collins' email to Fauci, which was sent on April 16 last year, was titled 'conspiracy gains momentum' 

 * It included a link to a Mediaite news article referencing comments made a day earlier about the Wuhan lab leak theory by Fox News anchor Bret Baier 

 * The contents of Collins' email was redacted. Fauci replied on April 17 at 2.45am but his response was also blacked out 

Leading virus experts were warning Dr Anthony Fauci COVID-19 may have been created in a lab while he publicly played such claims down, newly-released emails show.

A Freedom of Information Act request saw thousands of Fauci's emails released from last spring - including multiple discussions about COVID being man-made, some of which were later redacted.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: 3,200 of Dr. Fauci's emails from January to June 2020 can be viewed here .... FOIZ Anthony fauci emails

This is why I do not trust people in government. They all have their own priorities, biases, and agendas. And like Dr. Fauci. What they say in public is usually the reverse of what they say in private. Kudos to Buzzfeed for getting these emails. And Dr. Fauci knows he has a problem with this release .... Fauci Defends U.S. Grants to Wuhan Lab, Warns against Taking Emails out of Context (NPR). 

His conflict of interest with the Wuhan Lab in China is deeply disturbing. That alone should have banned him from an y involvement in this crisis. 

Update: Dr. Fauci has his defenders who are now trying to defend the indefensible .... What Fauci's emails reveal -- and what they don't (Megan Ranney, CNN). 

Update #2: His book is being thrown down the memory hole .... And Just Like That, Dr. Fauci’s Book Has Been Pulled From Presales (Red State). 

Update #3: Damn good question .... What Did Fauci Tell Trump About Wuhan? (WSJ) 

Update #4: Tucker Carlson's analysis and commentary is spot on (see video below). More here .... "That Was A Lie": Tucker Carlson Levels Fauci After FOIA Emails Connect The Dots (Zero Hedge). 


Dr. Fauci Emails On The Covid-19 Pandemic Are Published  

Anthony Fauci’s Emails Reveal The Pressure That Fell On One Man -- BuzzFeed

Fauci worked behind the scenes to cast doubt on Wuhan lab leak hypothesis, emails show -- Washington Examiner 

Fauci Brushed Off Expert’s Email on Chinese COVID Disinformation: ‘Too Long for Me to Read’ -- NRO  

Email: Researcher Who Funded Wuhan Lab, Admitted To Manipulating Coronaviruses Thanked Fauci For Dismissing Lab Leak Theory -- Summit News 

WHO official with ties to Wuhan coronavirus research thanked Fauci for dispelling ‘myth’ that Covid leaked from lab, email reveals -- RT  

Researcher Tied to Wuhan Lab Thanked Fauci for Dismissing Lab-Leak Theory -- National Review  

Expert Warned Fauci In January 2020 That Coronavirus ‘Potentially’ Looked ‘Engineered,’ Had Some ‘Unusual Features’ -- Daily Wire

'We will get through this together': Newly-released emails reveal Dr Fauci's friendly messages to CHINESE expert at start of COVID outbreak - but he didn't ask any questions about how pandemic started -- Daily Mail  

Fauci told Chinese official they would ‘get through this together,’ email reveals -- NYPost  

Rand Paul gives 2-word response to Fauci's unearthed emails -- FOX News  

Republican lawmakers blast Fauci after thousands of emails released -- NYPost  

What conservatives see in the Fauci emails -- The Week 

Why are people talking about Dr Anthony Fauci's emails? -- BBC  

Former State Dept investigator on leaked Fauci emails: 'I don't trust these scientists' about Wuhan lab -- FOX News

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