Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Blasts President Biden In 'Scorched Earth' Departure Speech


Daily Mail: Netanyahu blasts Biden in 'scorched earth' departure speech and says Iran will be 'celebrating' his defeat because Israel will be 'weak' 

* Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted efforts to revive the Iran nuclear deal on Sunday 

* He said the agreement 'threatens Israel's existence' in a scathing departure speech after 12 years in office * Vowed 'fight daily' to 'topple' the new coalition government which he branded 'terrible' and 'dangerous' 

* Reiterated the remarks, saying it would be 'sooner than you think', minutes after giving up power on Monday 

* Knesset voted 60-59 for the new coalition government and Naftali Bennett was sworn in as prime minister 

* Bennett will now preside over a diverse and fragile coalition comprised of eight ideologically different parties 

* Will be prime minister until September 2023 before handing power over to Yair Lapid in a power-sharing deal 

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted US President Joe Biden in a 'scorched earth' speech on his last day in office before officially handing over power on Monday, warning Iran will be 'celebrating' his defeat because Israel will be 'weak'. 

In a scathing speech that was meant to last 15 minutes but ran for more than half an hour, Netanyahu said the Islamic Republic would celebrate his loss because 'they understand that starting today there will be a weak and unstable government that will align with the dictates of the international community.' 

He then turned on his replacement, and former ally, Naftali Bennett, in the rambling speech, branding the new government 'terrible' and 'dangerous' and vowing he would soon return to the top of Israeli politics.  

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Update: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu blasts Biden on his way out of office (NYPost)  

WNU Editor:  This animosity works both ways. This sums up what the Biden administration feels about Israeli PM Netanyahu .... It took Biden a month to call Netanyahu, two hours to call Bennett (Haaretx).

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