China Has Built Enough Prisons Where They Can Lock Up A Million Muslims In Xinjiang At Once

Xinjiang, China's most far-west state, is said to have 347 compounds that resemble detention camps that were built by the Communist government  

Daily Mail: China has built enough detention camp space to detain one million Uighur Muslims at once, shocking probe reveals 

* China has continued expanding network of detention camps for Uighur Muslims 

* Investigation found camps and prisons could hold more than one million people 

* Secretive centres in far-west Xinjiang province used for forced labour, torture and systematic forced birth control 

China's secret network of prisons for Muslims in a mountainous province can hold more than one million people, reports say. 

The Communist government is said to have built 347 compounds that resemble detention camps in Xinjiang in the far west of the country - with space for 1,014,883 prisoners. 

The staggering figure counts for one in 25 people in the region but may be a conservative estimate due to the possibility of overcrowding.  

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WNU Editor: You do not build these many prisons with the idea that you will not use them. I am willing to bet that these prisons are packed with inmates. 

The BuzzFeed report that broke this story is here .... China Can Lock Up A Million Muslims In Xinjiang At Once (Buzzfeed).

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