Former U.S. Vice President Pence Will Not Be The GOP Presidential Candidate In 2024

A recent CPAC straw poll found Mike Pence with no more than 1 percent of support (pictured here in Iowa on July 16)  

Daily Mail: Republicans consider Mike Pence the 'Antichrist' who has been 'shunned' from the MAGA movement and don't believe he will make it onto the 2024 ticket, report claims 

* Pence has seemingly previewed a potential 2024 campaign in recent speeches 

* While some places have given the ex-VP a mildly warm reception, he has also faced heckling crowds who believe he betrayed former President Trump 

* The former Indiana governor has been careful not to criticize his former boss, instead touting their accomplishments over four years in office 

* Pence admitted earlier in 2021 he and Trump will never 'see eye to eye' on Jan 6 

* A recent 2024 Republican primary poll not including Donald Trump has shown Pence polling a distant second at 15 percent behind Florida Governor DeSantis 

* A poll which includes Trump as a candidate pushes Pence into single digits Former Vice President Mike Pence is hitting the speaking circuit once again less than a year after leaving office, but his reception has been lukewarm at best - and furious at worst. 

'There are some Trump supporters who think he's the Antichrist,' an Iowa GOP official told Politico after Pence's first trip to the state since the election. 

A recent Conservative Political Action Conference poll showed the ex-VP with just 1 percent of support for a possible 2024 run.  

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Update: Pence flatlines as 2024 field takes shape (Politico)  

WNU Editor: I am surprised that according to one poll his support is around 1%. Who are these 1%?

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