Study Says People Becoming More Desensitized To Pandemic Life

Study Finds: COVID-19 risk-taking is going up as people become more desensitized to pandemic life 

DAVIS, Calif. — COVID-19 has been headline news for over a year now. Although the virus is still out there and new cases come in every day, a new study finds the public is starting to tune out coronavirus updates. Researchers from the University of California-Davis say society is becoming desensitized to the health crisis, especially when it comes to following pandemic-era safety measures. 

Their study looked at both COVID-19 new articles and reaction to these updates on Twitter to see how the public’s attitudes are changing since early 2020. Researchers say that despite the death toll continuing to increase, people are generally showing less concern about COVID-related news.  

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WNU Editor: I would not say desensitized. I would say people are more "fed-up" with all the restrictions. This blogger included.

Update: Putting everything into perspective .... You're More Likely to Get Murdered in Chicago Than Be Hospitalized for COVID-19 (PJ Media).

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