Newsweek: Taliban Limits Afghans to $200 Weekly Bank Withdrawals Amid Economic Uncertainty
The Taliban has limited Afghans to bank withdrawals of just $200 weekly amid economic uncertainty after the group returned to power in Afghanistan, the Associated Press reported.
With the limited weekly withdrawals, thousands of people were lined up waiting to take out funds outside of the Afghan National Bank in Kabul.
The salaries of many Afghans have gone unpaid. Mustafa, a waiter in the capital of Kabul, said he is responsible for supporting his family of 11 and his salary was cut 75 percent.
He now earns less than $50 a month since the Taliban's takeover.
WNU Editor: The problem with the Taliban limiting withdrawals to $200 per week is that there is no money in the banks to withdraw.
More News On Afghanistan's Economy
Afghanistan confronts economic meltdown after Taliban takeover -- Financial Times
Afghanistan's healthcare system near collapse, aid agencies warn -- Reuters
Aid agencies warn Afghanistan's health care system is near collapse -- The Hill
Watchdog warns UK banks of Afghanistan financial crime risks -- The Guardian
The Taliban Are About to Preside Over Economic Collapse -- Abdul Qadeer Fitrat, Barrons