The Telegram channel speculates that Iran either bought the vehicles from the Taliban or just took them from Afghan soldiers that drove across the border last month in an attempt to flee the Taliban.
— Kian Sharifi (@KianSharifi) September 1, 2021
Middle East Eye: US military equipment left behind in Afghanistan spotted in Iran: Report
Pentagon says the military equipment left in Afghanistan was not a 'great strategic use to any force' and not a significant threat to US
US military equipment, including armoured vehicles worth hundreds of thousands of dollars each, have reportedly been spotted in Iran following the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, several social media accounts have reported.
Kian Sharifi, a BBC journalist focused on Iranian politics and social
Sharifi said the photos came from an Iranian Telegram channel, which speculated the vehicles were either sold by the Taliban to Iran, or were taken from Afghan soldiers fleeing the country after the group took over most of the country, including the capital, Kabul, last month.
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Update #1: Taliban delivers US military vehicles to Iran (Arab News)
Update #2: Report: U.S.-Funded Afghan Military Equipment Spotted in Iran (Breitbart)
WNU Editor: Another PR coup for Iran.