The littoral combat ship Milwaukee steams through the Atlantic Ocean on Dec. 16. (Navy)
USNI News: USS Milwaukee Kept Pierside in Guantanamo After COVID-19 Infects Crew
USS Milwaukee (LCS-5) is in port after sailors aboard the Littoral Combat Ship tested positive for COVID-19, the Navy announced on Friday.
Milwaukee is now in port at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, after an unspecified variant of the COVID-19 virus infected the crew.
“The crew is 100 percent immunized and all COVID-19 positive sailors are isolated onboard and away from crew members.
A portion of those infected have exhibited mild symptoms,” U.S. 4th Fleet spokeswoman Cmdr. Katherine Meadows said in a Friday statement.
“The specific COVID variant has yet to be determined and all CDC guidelines are being followed to include contact tracing and testing protocols.”
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WNU Editor: This is astounding since 100% of the crew is fully vaccinated.
Fully Vaccinated U.S. Navy Warship USS Milwaukee Sidelined With Covid Outbreak
USS Milwaukee sidelined in Cuba following COVID-19 outbreak -- Navy Times
Coronavirus outbreak sidelines ship whose crew is fully immunized, Navy says -- Washington Post
U.S. Navy warship sidelined with Covid outbreak -- Politico/AP
Navy ship deployment paused due to COVID-19 outbreak -- The Hill