Russia Accused Of Restricting Europe's Gas Supplies


AFP: Russian gas supplies to Europe under scrutiny 

With the arrival of winter in Europe and energy prices soaring, tensions are running high over the provision of gas from Russia -- especially through the Yamal-Europe pipeline that runs through Poland and Belarus. 

But the Yamal pipeline is just one part of a complex gas infrastructure network shaped not only by energy needs but also wider economic interests and politics, including strife between Russia and Ukraine. 

The pipeline, opened in 1994, runs over 2,000 kilometres (1,242 miles) to Germany from the city of Torjok in central Russia, transiting through Belarus and Poland. 

It delivers 30 billion cubic metres of gas to Europe each year, making it one of the most important vehicles for the provision of Russian gas to the continent.

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Update #1: Putin's gas weaponization hits a hot spot in Berlin (DW)  

Update #2: Russia's gas supply to Western Europe diverted BACK to Poland in huge squeeze on EU (Express)  

WNU Editor: Russia is saying that it has met its contract requirements .... No halt in gas supply in Germany, Russia fulfills obligations — German Economy Ministry (TASS). More here .... Russia Denies Withholding Gas Supplies to Europe (Moscow Times), and here .... Is Russia choking Europe amid gas crisis? (RT). 

 Here is an interesting read on how Russia is managing its energy resources and the role that the country will play in powering China .... Exit Nord Stream 2, Enter Power of Siberia 2 (Pepe Escobar, Strategic Culture).

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