The Hill: Taiwan defense ministry says full Chinese invasion would be very difficult
Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said on Monday that a full Chinese invasion would be difficult for the country to achieve, citing the military challenges and geographical obstacles that would stand in the way.
The ministry said in a threat assessment report obtained by Reuters that China would need to use "non-standard" roll-on, roll-off ships in order to invade the island nation, while forces would also need access to port facilities and airports.
"However, the nation's military strongly defends ports and airports, and they will not be easy to occupy in a short time. Landing operations will face extremely high risks," said the ministry.
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Update: Taiwan says confident Chinese invasion would be very hard (Reuters).
WNU Editor: It may be difficult for China to succeed in an invasion today. But if China continues its military expansion at the rate that it has been for the past two decades, I am willing to bet that the Taiwan defense ministry will be singing a different song.