US President Biden Told Former President Obama That He Is Running For Re-Election In 2024

Biden was hovering just above and below 40 per cent in a batch of polls last week  

Daily Mail: Biden, 79, 'has told Obama he IS running again in 2024' despite concerns over his age and approval ratings below 40% 

* Biden wants to run and is 'letting everyone know,' a source told The Hill 

* Biden lunched with Obama earlier this month 

* Biden's approval rating was just 33 per cent in recent Quinnipiac poll 

* He is at 42 per cent in the latest Gallup survey * Analysts warn of a potential electoral 'bloodbath' in 2022 

* Recent Washington Post analyst talked up Buttigieg and dropped Kamala Harris down a peg 

* Biden pollster Anzalone warned of a 'really sour environment for Democrats' 

President Joe Biden has told former President Obama he plans to run for a second term in 2024, despite a string of polls showing low approval ratings and analysts warning of a potential Republican blowout in 2022. 

News that Biden provided the information to his friend and longtime political partner came a after a Quinnipiac poll had his own approval rating at just 35 per cent – fueling warnings among Democratic advisors about what could be in store for Democrats. 

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WNU Editor: President Biden may be determined to run again in 2024, but my gut is telling me that Democrats are going to look for someone else. 

US President Biden Told Former President Obama That He Is Running For Re-Election In 2024  

Biden has told Obama he’s running again -- The Hill  

Joe Biden told Barack Obama he will run again in 2024 – report -- The Guardian  

Biden tells Obama he's running in 2024: report -- FOX News 

Biden reportedly told Barack Obama he’s seriously running in 2024 -- NYPost  

Biden makes call on second term – media -- RT

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