China Conducts Its 2nd-Largest Air Incursion Into Taiwan Defence Zone This Year

Taiwan's foreign ministry released this map showing where the Chinese aircraft travelled through its air defence identification zone (ADIZ)  

Daily Mail: China sends 18 warplanes into Taiwan defence zone – its second-largest incursion this year 

* The aircraft included 12 J-11 and J-16 fighter jets, Taiwan's foreign ministry said 

* Sortie also saw two Chinese H-6 bombers enter the country's defence zone 

* It marked the largest incursions by China into Taiwan's ADIZ since January 

* Taiwan said it scrambled its own aircraft and readied air defence systems 

* Last year saw a spike in incursions, with a total of 969 being recorded by Taiwan 

* Beijing sees the self-ruled democratic island as being part of its own territory, with Xi Jinping last year signalling his intention to 'complete reunification' 

China sent 18 warplanes including fighters and bombers into Taiwan's air defence zone on Friday, the island's government said, in its second-largest incursion this year. 

Taiwan's foreign ministry said it scrambled its own aircraft to broadcast warnings and deployed air defence missile systems to track the jets. 

Taiwan lives under the constant threat of invasion by Beijing, which sees the self-ruled democratic island as part of its own territory to be retaken one day, by force if necessary - something China has not been shy to admit.  

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China Conducts Its 2nd-Largest Air Incursion Into Taiwan Defence Zone This Year  

Taiwan jets scramble as China air force enters air defence zone -- Reuters  

China's Fighter jets Enter Taiwan's Air Defence Identification Zone In Latest Incursion -- Republic World

China Stages 2nd-Largest Air Incursion Into Taiwan Defence Zone This Year -- NDTV/AFP  

China makes second largest incursion into Taiwan air defence zone -- Al Jazeera

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