* President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill sat 14 rows back in Westminster Abbey amid Queen Elizabeth's funeral
* Biden was sat behind the President of Poland Andrzej Duda, while Jill was sat next to president of Switzerland
* Their positioning raised eyebrows, but it has been revealed it is due to how royal protocol ranks world leaders
* The couple left London for the United States just two hours after the service finished on Monday afternoon
A quirk of royal protocol meant that US President Joe
There were raised eyebrows when Mr Biden and his wife were placed seven rows from the back in a service attended by around 2,000 world leaders, royals and foreign dignitaries.
After arriving at the funeral in his motorcade while other world leaders took the bus, the leader of the free world was then placed behind Polish President Andrzej Duda.
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WNU Editor: The Polish President was placed in front of President Biden. So much for the argument that protocol dictated where President Biden and the First Lady were seated.
But the person who was really snubbed at the Queen's state funeralwas Prince Harry, even though the argument can be made that he helped cause it .... Prince Harry's uniform snub, invitation row and lonely flight to Balmoral (Mirror).