FBI Wants To Recruit Russians For Intelligence Gathering


FOX News: FBI turns to social media to recruit Russians for intelligence gathering  

Russia experts are divided on whether the FBI recruiting effort will prove successful 

The FBI has turned to social media to help it ramp up its Russian recruitment and intelligence gathering as the war in Ukraine continues to rage with no end in sight. 

It's a move receiving mixed reviews from Russia experts. In a video posted to Facebook and Twitter, scenes from the U.S. capital and the Russian embassy are displayed as a voice speaking in Russian tells the listener that the FBI can change their future if they can provide the U.S. with intelligence. 

 The narrator says the FBI is looking for spies, expats and anyone with information on countering the Kremlin. 

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Update #1: FBI using social media to recruit Russians for information (Washington Examiner)  

Update #2: FBI is using social media to recruit Russian spies (First Post)  

WNU Editor: Cannot say that I am surprised. The U.S. is in an undeclared war against Russia, and this conflict is only growing and escalating. There are currently a few million Russian nationals living in the US, and the FBI clearly wants to watch and track who they are, and what they are doing.

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