Will The U.S. Bomb Mexico To Decimate The Drug Cartels?

Politico: GOP embraces a new foreign policy: Bomb Mexico to stop fentanyl  

Republicans suggest everything from terrorist labels to an invasion to decimate drug cartels in Mexico. 

A growing number of prominent Republicans are rallying around the idea that to solve the fentanyl crisis, America must bomb it away.

In recent weeks, Donald Trump has discussed sending “special forces” and using “cyber warfare” to target cartel leaders if he’s reelected president and, per Rolling Stone, asked for “battle plans” to strike Mexico. Reps. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) and Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) introduced a bill seeking authorization for the use of military force to “put us at war with the cartels.” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said he is open to sending U.S. troops into Mexico to target drug lords even without that nation’s permission. And lawmakers in both chambers have filed legislation to label some cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, a move supported by GOP presidential aspirants.  

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WNU Editor: I would not recommend this course of action.

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