US Debt Ceiling Talks Follow President Biden At The G7


France 24: US debt ceiling crisis dogs Biden at G7 

The sight of a tired-looking top White House domestic policy adviser in a Hiroshima hotel said it all: President Joe Biden may be on the other side of the world but his political fight back home over the debt ceiling has followed him. 

Bruce Reed, spotted in a tracksuit having a late breakfast at the luxury hotel where Biden was staying during the G7 summit, is the White House deputy chief of staff with a focus on issues inside the United States. 

Instead, for the last two days he has trailed the 80-year-old Democratic president around this southern Japanese city, "updating POTUS on the status of the talks", as a senior official put it.  

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WNU Editor: Even though there has been no progress .... White House, Republican team say no progress in debt ceiling talks (CNBC/Reuters), President Biden is still confident that a deal will be reached .... Biden says he still believes US will be able to avoid debt default (France 24). More here .... Amid G-7 diplomacy, Biden predicts a debt limit deal will get done (Politico).

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