China's Mlitary Scientists Say They Have Made The World’s Most Powerful Explosive More 'Safer' To Use

Explosion (US Army Central Public Affairs)  

SCMP: China has tamed the world’s most powerful explosive, military scientists say 

* New synthesising method can give five-fold stability boost to CL-20, the deadliest non-nuclear explosive in existence, Chinese research team says 

* According to 2021 US study commissioned by Pentagon, only China has CL-20 mass production capacity and has used it in some of its newest weapons 

A Chinese research team said they have significantly improved the safety of the world's most powerful explosive by engineering a five-fold boost to its shock resistance capacity. 

The breakthrough could speed up the large-scale application of the explosive in battle, making Chinese weapons far superior in terms of destructive power, according to the scientists. 

CL-20 is the most deadly non-nuclear explosive in existence. When detonated, it can produce destructive shock waves with blast pressures many times higher than other common explosives like TNT and RDX.  

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Update: China has 'significantly' improved safety of its biggest explosive: Report (Business Standard).  

WNU Editor: Another example of American science being taken and used by China to develop into something more efficient, or in this case, more lethal .... Pioneered By The US, China ‘Racing Ahead’ Of Its Arch Rival In ‘CL-20’ Tech That Propels PLA’s Deadly Missiles (EurAsian Times).

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