Tenth Russian Project 12700 Alexandrit-class minesweeper Polyarny approaches the final construction phase

On March 9, 2025, the Telegram channel Military Russia shared an image of the tenth hull of the Project 12700 minesweeper, named Polyarny, indicating that the vessel is approaching the final stages of its construction at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard (SNSZ) in Saint Petersburg. This development is part of the ongoing expansion of Russia’s mine countermeasure fleet under the Alexandrit-class program, as initial plans called for the construction of ten ships, but later statements mentioned a total of up to 40 units. Read full defense news at this link...

The classification of the Project 12700 has changed multiple times, alternating between base and sea minesweepers, though the Polyarny is officially designated as a base minesweeper, as indicated on its keel-laying plaque. (Picture source: Telegram/MilitaryRussia)

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