Modi-Xi Meeting A Good Thing, Always Good When World Leaders Get Along: White House

Prime Minister Modi with Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit to the Hubei Provincial Museum in Wuhan, China

The White House said today that PM Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping's meeting last week when they met for an "informal summit" was a "good thing".

"I certainly think it's always good when other world leaders are getting along," White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said.

Modi and Xi met for two days last week in Wuhan as the two leaders agreed to improve ties understand each other's point of view on military and civilian matters, especially along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

"And, certainly, when we can cooperate, that's definitely a good thing. We have a great relationship with both countries and hope to continue to do so," Sanders told reporters at the news briefing.

US's reaction comes even as the Trump administration is engaged in trade talks with China after the US president imposed stiff tariffs against Chinese goods last month. The US trade team arrived in Beijing on Thursday as Trump said his country was seeking trying to negotiate a "level playing field on trade".

A week after Xi and Modi meeting at Wuhan, the two countries decided to setup a military "hotline" similar to the one between DGMos of India and Pakistan. The move was part of Xi and Modi's "strategic guidance" to their forces in order to defuse tensions along the Line of Actual Control(LAC).

The hotline was already in the works since 2013 and was endorsed by Modi during his visit to China in 2015. Both sides decided to take up joint projects in Afghanistan as India and China tried to find common ground in South Asia.

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