President Biden Believes Democrats Will Keep The US Senate And Have A 'Chance' In The House On Tuesday's Midterm Elections


Daily Mail: 'We’re going to win this time... I think': Joe Biden believes Democrats will keep the Senate and have a 'chance' in the House despite Republican lead in the polls as the Democrats try to avoid a red wave 

* President Joe Biden was in California on Friday to shore up party support 

* Before he left he gave an optimistic view of the midterm elections 

* 'I feel really good about our chances,' he told reporters traveling with him 

* Polls have shifted towards Republicans in the final weeks of campaigning 

* They are heavy favorites to take the House, and have an edge in the Senate 

President Joe Biden on Friday offered a wildly upbeat assessment of his party's chances in next week's midterm elections, claiming Democrats will keep the Senate and could even hold on to the House of Representatives - despite a slew of polls forecasting that Republicans will make sweeping gains.

'We're gonna win this time this time around, I think. I feel really good about our chances,' he said. 'I think we're gonna keep the Senate, pick up a seat. I think we have a chance of winning the House.'  

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